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Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District

Donations are appreciated and accepted.  All contributions are tax-deductible.

Your help and contribution today can make a significant difference and give a direct benefit to the residents of the Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District.

In partnership with the Sacramento Parks Foundation (SPF), a 501©3 non-profit organization, the Arcade Creek Parks and Recreation District has arranged for an account dedicated specifically for the District to be used for on-line contributions.  Donors can be assured that any contribution made to SPF for the Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District may and will be earmarked for specific purposes or uses, when designated.

By check payable to: Sacramento Parks Foundation, noting the Arcade Creek Recreation and  Park District in the memo portion of the check.

Send to: The Sacramento Parks Foundation,  2201 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825.  

For Tax ID Number and details please contact the District Office at (916) 482-8377 

Donations may also be made by mailing them to ACRPD: P.O. Box 418114 Sacramento, CA 95841, or by dropping them by the District Office located in Hamilton Street Park, at 4855 Hamilton Street, Sacramento, CA 95841